2 FA Password Manager
SSPRS stands for Self- Service Password Reset System, manage users password whenever they forget which one was it and it's built for security fortitude.
SSPRS is a practical, user-oriented, web-based password management facility that significantly reduces account lockout-related queries, reducing administrator workload.
Self-Service Password Reset System
Typically a business manager could have over 27 password to remember over multiple accounts and applications. This often leads to account lockout and down time due to long waits from busy company admins.
SSPRS is here to solve it.
Enabling password authentication anytime, anywhere.

Enterprise File Synchronising and Sharing
BIG MAIL TRANSFER On-Prem Data Centre solution gives you a single pane of glass view for managing your clusters across on-premise and cloud environments.
Running a large organisation requires you to work at scale, BMT allows your team to share your BIG IDEAS in and take big steps up to 32Gb per email.

Two Factor Authentication & Authentication, Authorisation And Accounting Solutions
EMGRAFT 2FA has a number of features which are commonly found in RADIUS servers, and additional features which are not found in any other free software server.
Complete support for RFC 2865 and RFC 2866 attributes, along with a Vendor-Specific Attributes
Authorization types are some of the methods which are supported:
AD, LDAP, MySQL DB, PostgreSQL DB, Oracle SQL DB, IBM's DB2
Made for Radius Server
Emgraft 2FA +AAA which is a 2- Factor Authentication (2FA) and “Authentication, Authorization and Accounting” is designed to protect and verify user data and credentials to access confidential data and implement SSO to sensitive application as password word is the first layer of defense in an infrastructure.

Data Communication Control and Protection
Simplex Systems comes in three variants;
Simplex Diode designed for mission critical applications
Simplex Cube tailored for USB and/or Ethernet secure file transfer
Simplex Switch designed for securing multiple Internet Protocol (IP) enabled cameras.
SIMPLEX SYSTEMS is designed for businesses and organizations that handle critical information with the public, protecting operational technology that sends information out from classified networks to unclassified networks.
With Simplex's state-of-the-art hardware, operating system and software this solution protects classified operational networks. This solution connects classified operating networks by design only allows unidirectional data flow stopping unwanted connections.